Hi, My name is Paweł.
I design and develop websites, and more.
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G. Gerlach P.24 Review

The P.24, is an elegant automatic watch designed by the Polish based micro brand G. Gerlach. This was my first mechanical watch, and a price below...
My two year path to the muscle up

TLDR: I recently managed to do muscle ups, and I'm writing this to tell you that they are a lot of fun, and you should do them.
Adjustable desk review IKEA BEKANT

A half year ago, I petitioned my employer to let us try out an adjustable desk. Heaving read about all the health benefits that switching between sitting and standing should bring, this seemed like a profitable investment. After all, 250,- euro is a small price to pay if it results in improved performance and happier...
Carnaval Weert 2016

Series of photo's shot with Canon 5d / 50mm 1.8 and Sigma 15 / 24-70 2.8 EX DG, at the carnaval in Weert in 2016.
Generalist vs Specialist web developer
Jack of all trades, master of none.. But who ever needs a master of something these days? With so many hard problems solved and complex tasks automated, a single person can achieve a lot across the whole field. Let's say you aren't google or facebook. Let's say you are a one in a million middle-sized company who needs a...
Oh my eyes!
Making good typography for web is hard. And crafting solid html for email campaigns makes it even harder. Sometimes I will receive newsletters with questionable typography, like the mailing in the image below. Maybe the designer got a little carried away here, or maybe the way my mail client renders the html is to...
Carnaval Weert 2015

Here's a temporary list of images from the 2015 carnaval parade in Weert. I haven't had the time to post process the images yet, but didn't want to risk waiting for weeks untill all of them were ready. Most of the images were shot with a Canon 5D 50mm 1.8, or Takumar 50mm 1.4, and you can tell when it's the Takumar,...
Here’s Johny
There's this recent T-Mobile advertisement that had me puzzled for weeks, until now.
I took a photo of the poster a while ago, because I could swear that it reminded me of something, probably completely...
Mousepad handwarmer review
I've recently been gifted a curious piece of technology by a colleague at work.
It was cold in the office that day and we jokingly wondered why nobody had yet invented a mouse pad hand warmer. One quick...
Ten things that are wrong about interstellar that not enough people are mentioning
1. Movie claims that the wormhole is created by a future version of human beings who survived to evolve into five dimensional beings. Movie also claims that humanity would go extinct within a single generation if nothing was done about the global food crisis. So how could humanity survive to create a wormhole, if we need...
Motorola G 2014
Today I'm reviewing the Motorola Moto G Gen 2 (2014 version) smartphone.
At under $200, the Moto G is a budget phone, but it can easily compete with phones...
Some pictures from my old HTC Legend
For the past five years I've been using the HTC Legend as my main smartphone as well as the Palm Pre, which I seem to have misplaced somewhere..
Just recently I've picked up a...