Hi, My name is Paweł.
I design and develop websites, and more.
Check it out:

Custom Facebook button for WordPress
Earlier I posted a snippet on how to set up a custom Tweet button. It's also possible to have a custom Facebook Like button, although it's a bit harder to achieve the desired look since
Custom Tweet button for WordPress
There are two ways to get a "Tweet this" button on your site: 1. The easy way: by setting some options and having Twitter generate a code snippet which you can insert on your page. The code will create...
Dynamic css 3 shapes
After all these years I still discover new ways in which to use css. This week I came across css shapes, while looking for a way to make an arrow for a menu rollover.
In this design, each...
Canon AE-1 and Sigma EX 15-30mm

I finally got the analog film developed on which I'd shot pictures with the Sigma 15-30mm. The sample images below were shot with the Canon AE-1 on 35mm film.
My real first impression of Windows 8
two weeks ago I failed installing the Windows 8 consumer preview for unclear reasons.. Now, I've got Windows 8 release preview up and running, and so far my first impression has been really, really good. I've been a Windows 7 fan because of the great...
Why is it that in 2012, illegal download services these days are well designed, easy to use, commercial free, fast, and accessible.
But legal download...
First impression of Windows 8
Today I tried installing the Windows 8 consumer preview. My experience so far is that Windows 8 offers more of what we've seen from Microsoft in the past two decades..
That could actually work as a slogan.. Windows 8: Something...
Website upgrade – Graduation Project

For my graduation project at the Haagse Hogeschool, I upgraded the website for The Werkcafe, and put together a strategy to grow their community. Customer profile Werkcafe Rotterdam is an online community that is centered around the...
Macro with lens stacking

There is a very simple way to create a macro lens, by stacking two lenses on top of each other. Usually this is done by attaching a 50mm prime to the camera, and then attaching a 28mm prime facing the...
Photoshop cs 6 beta
I've been trying out the new Photoshop cs6 beta for a while, and so far it's been great.
The most noticeable and most impressive upgrade to me, is the dark inferface. If you happen not to like it for some reason, it...
Balance your call to action
This morning an email popped in to my mailbox, with the invitation to participate in a student survey.
The invitation read:
Dear student,
The National Student Survey will be closing today. Use...
Quick look at: Lomo Smena 8m (update)

The Smena m8 is a little plastic Russian made 35mm film camera that was produced by Lomo between 1951 until as late as 1991. Back in the day, this camera was pretty popular in...